Kris Bunda Design

100 Beautiful Illustrations of Biologist Ernst Haeckel – Art Forms of Nature

Kunstformen der Natur - Art Forms of Nature - 1904 - cover

Kunstformen der Natur - Art Forms of Nature - 1904 - cover

Who’s Ernst Haeckel?

Ernst Haeckel Photograph

Ernst Heinrich Philipp August Haeckel (February 16, 1834 – August 9, 1919), also written von Haeckel, was an eminent German biologist, naturalist, philosopher, physician, professor and artist who discovered, described and named thousands of new species, mapped a genealogical tree relating all life forms, and coined many terms in biology, including anthropogeny, ecology, phylum, phylogeny, and the kingdom Protista. Haeckel promoted and popularized Charles Darwin’s work in Germany and developed the controversial recapitulation theory (“ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny”) claiming that an individual organism’s biological development, or ontogeny, parallels and summarizes its species’ entire evolutionary development, or phylogeny.
– From Wikipedia

So why are we talking about him on Designer Rants?

Because of his beautiful illustrations from the book “Art Forms of Nature.”  One hundred of the monograph plates are presented on this blog.  I’ve posted them on here because I think they’re amazing, and the Wikipedia page I found them on have them listed as thumbnails, whereas I’m more of a Scroller, myself.

Phaeodaria – Print by Ernst Haeckel, Art Forms of Nature, 1904 1. Phaeodaria
Print by Ernst Haeckel, Art Forms of Nature, 1904 2. Thalamphora
Ciliata – Print by Ernst Haeckel, Art Forms of Nature, 1904 3. Ciliata
Diatomea – Print by Ernst Haeckel, Art Forms of Nature, 1904 4. Diatomea
Calcispongiae – Print by Ernst Haeckel, Art Forms of Nature, 1904 5. Calcispongiae
Tubulariae – Print by Ernst Haeckel, Art Forms of Nature, 1904 6. Tubulariae
Siphonophorae – Print by Ernst Haeckel, Art Forms of Nature, 1904 7. Siphonophorae
Discomedusae – Print by Ernst Haeckel, Art Forms of Nature, 1904 8. Discomedusae
Hexacoralla – Print by Ernst Haeckel, Art Forms of Nature, 1904 9. Hexacoralla
Ophiodea – Print by Ernst Haeckel, Art Forms of Nature, 1904 10. Ophiodea

11. Discoidea
12. Thalamophora
13. Flagellata
14. Peridinea
15. Fucoideae
16. Narcomedusae
17. Siphonophorae
18. Discomedusae
19. Pennatulida
20. Crinoidea

21. Acanthometra
22. Spyroidea
23. Bryozoa
24. Desmidiea
25. Sertulariae
26. Trachomedusae
27. Ctenophorae
28. Discomedusae
29. Tetracoralla
30. Echinidea

31. Cyrtoidea
32. Rotatoria
33. Bryozoa
34. Melethallia
35. Hexactinellae
36. Leptomedusae
37. Siphonophorae
38. Peromedusae
39. Gorgonida
40. Asteridea

41. Acanthophracta
42. Ostraciontes
43. Nudibranchia
44. Ammonitida
45. Campanariae
46. Anthomedusae
47. Aspidonia
48. Stauromedusae
49. Actiniae
50. Thuroidea

51. Polycyttaria
52. Filicinae
53. Prosobranchia
54. Gamochonia
55. Acephala
56. Copepoda
57. Cirripedia
58. Tineida
59. Siphonophorae
60. Echinidea

61. Phaeodaria
62. Nepenthaceae
63. Basimycetes
64. Siphoneae
65. Florideae
66. Arachnida
67. Chiroptera
68. Batrachia
69. Hexacoralla
70. Ophiodea

71. Stephoidea
72. Muscinae
73. Ascomycetes
74. Orchidae
75. Platodes
76. Thoracostraca
77. Siphonophorae
78. Cubomedusae
79. Lacertilia
80. Blastoidea

81. Thalamophora
82. Hepaticae
83. Lichenes
84. Diatomea
85. Ascidiae
86. Decapoda
87. Teleostei
88. Discomedusae
89. Chelonia
90. Cystoidea

91. Spumellaria
92. Filicinae
93. Mycetozoa
94. Coniferae
95. Amphoridea
96. Chaetopoda
97. Spirobranchia
98. Discomedusae
99. Trochilidae
100. Antilopina
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