Kris Bunda Design

UI/UX & App Design



I’ll be back to flesh out this UI/UX portfolio page in the future as time allows. — Stay Tuned, Kris

Why the drawings and CAD renderings? How is that UI/UX?

You may be wondering why I’ve included examples on this page of UI/UX work that include landscape architecture instructions and controls panel machine models.

The reason I posted a diverse sampling of UI/UX projects I’ve worked on is because UI/UX goes beyond a device screen. I have experience crafting a range of interfaces and experiences. I’ve learned how to put myself in many users’ shoes, ask questions that a first time user will wonder, and then make products and communications as self-evident, clear, and succinct as possible.

A page of instructions on how to install a sign post in the ground is a User Interface to a sign post installation project.

A warning decal on an emergency stop button is a User Interface to pushing a button to stop a machine in an emergency.

So if you’re wondering why it’s not just websites and screen grabs here, it’s because User Interface and User Experience is more than just screen interaction. A UI/UX designer should be able to think of it in diverse terms and viewpoints to address a diversity of use cases satisfactorily.

Mobile-First Wireframe

For a website that will list cards of art items for sale, I made wireframes to introduce a design, gather stakeholder feedback, make changes.

Responsive Visualization: CSS Grid, Flexbox, & Bootstrap

CSS has come a long way. Since I’m often both designer and developer of a front end, I like to turn on the “Grid” overlay in Adobe XD or Figma. This can be dialed in to simulate a CSS Grid Area (including gutters) or the 12 columns of a typical Bootstrap grid. It helps illustrate where the design elements should locate and move across different device viewports in a responsive design.

Mobile-size Wireframe

I’ve come around to mobile-first design practices (when I first learned HTML, there was no mobile Internet). Most sites are visited via mobile viewports nowaday. Therefore: I tend to make designs work and look good on a phone viewport first, then adapt that to a larger format.

Tablet-sized Wireframe

Here’s a tablet-sized (portrait orientation) version of the wireframe.

  1. It shows how some main navigation links will have room to appear outside the flyout menu,
  2. and some of the Grid Area assignments will change (triggered by media query),
  3. and some features of the footer will no longer be hidden.

3D is Key

Making 3D device renderings can be a good way to convey design intent and may generate more enthusiasm from clients or end users who find other mockups too abstract.

Exit mobile version