Because U-Bolts Need a Place to Hang.
I made this draft of a U-Bolt Rack over the weekend because someone at work thought it might be useful and more efficient as a station on the assembly floor. I don’t think we’ll use or improve this design, so I figured I’d post it on here for the great benefit of humanity.
It’s way over-built with mortise and tenon joinery that would require a tube laser to create. I was thinking about putting 6″ heavy duty casters on the bottom, but this thing weighs as much as a car fully loaded with bolts, so a skid loader would be used to move it around.

The rack modules are adjustable since they can be fit into other slots and specialized modules could be designed and fabricated (like boxes or hooks or shelves), along with the various sized U-Bolt racks pictured below. If you’re wondering what the handlebar-mustache looking plate is on the front of a couple racks, I was originally thinking of a much lighter-duty rack that would be moved with a skid loader often, so it’s got retainer bars to hold bolts better in case of jostling.

PDF: Draft Version Drawings
View the PDF of the U-Bolt Cart’s preliminary drawings.

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