A bent sheet metal luggage rack to be strapped onto the back fender of a motorcycle.
This Harley Davidson themed rack is made of two pieces of 3/16ths sheet steel (cut out with a plate laser), counterbored and bent on the main sheet, and then both pieces will be powder-coated different colors to make the lettering stand out. Fastener hardware will be #8 x .625″ panhead machine screws with high-crown acorn nuts.

Now that I’m putting this post together and looking at this rendering, It would look way better to put the acorn nuts on the other side, and would also save the step of counter-sinking the bolt holes on the bent plate. Something to think about…

クリアケース フリーピッチ用 別売仕切り ZCP-213 クリア【RCP】【hl150515】:Pet館
クリアケース フリーピッチ用 別売仕切り ZCP-213 クリア【RCP】【hl150515】:Pet…