I coach a team of 6 Jr. FIRST Lego Leaguers this year. One exercise we did was to come up with our team name, which was finally decided on as “St. Paul Builders”.
Then, for another day’s exercise, we were to build consensus on the constituents of a team logo. We drew 6 sections on a big piece of paper, and in those sections each kid drew visualizations of what they think of on the topic of Lego League. Kitties were a big topic. And then someone drew a spider web, which seemed appropriate, considering spiders are “Master Builders
I kept calling it a castle, and no one corrected me.
When All You Have is a Medieval War Hammer, Every Problem Looks Like Chain Mail
So I took this castle theme home and thought I’d try to unite it with the other popular ideas of the day: Kitties
You can see the screenshot from my graphics editing software below;Â I made a kitty in similar fashion to the lion woodcut-style image

Well, my son or one of the other kids in the group finally informed me that those weren’t castles. They were Lego. So the whole medieval theme was completely uncalled for.
Team Logo Variations
Here are some variations on a theme I made in the graphics program. We hope to get one of them incorporated into a tee shirt design with the other Lego League teams’ logos from the school, for all of us to wear.
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