If you notice the links under “Materials” and “Tools,” it’s because I linked to Amazon searches for those things, in case you want to do this project but need to load up a cart.
I finally broke down and bought one of those $50 spray foam insulation guns, WORTH EVERY PENNY.
I left a can on the gun and turned the knob closed–9 months later I scraped off the old stuff from the tip with a utility knife, shook the whole thing for a while, opened the valve, and pulled the trigger. It came spraying right out. Now I’m a believer–spray foam on tap FOR EVERYONE! Not just for billionaires anymore!!!
Why shims? Sometimes you want to prop up the blanks and create a gap so you can spray under them while having both hands full working the gun and articulating the flexible tube. Especially true on the long runs on the ends of the basement/crawl space. You can pull them out later, or not.
I also used regular door jamb shims as a tool to pry up some of the blanks, so think about sticking some of them on your step stool tray, or maybe a paint scraper…
The basement may seem lit well enough, but when you’re poking your head into a bay and blocking all the light, that when you’re glad for point lighting.
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